Chulalongkorn University Systems Biology Center


 funded by


After extract, double click at AbDesigner3D.bat in the destination folder to start AbDesigner3D.


*For machine that RAM < 8 GB, please open AbDesigner3D.bat using notepad or other text editors and change the number 4096 in the line:

java -Xmx4096m -cp AbDesigner3D.jar my.AbDesigner3D.AbDesigner3D

to lower number e.g., 2048 or 1024 as shown below

java -Xmx2048m -cp AbDesigner3D.jar my.AbDesigner3D.AbDesigner3D

**Please note that AbDesigner3D may crash when running on a machine with RAM<8 GB


Linux (Ubuntu)

From terminal type:

java -Xmx4096m AbDesigner3D.jar



*For machine with RAM < 8 GB, please change 4096 to lower number e.g., 2048 or 1024.

**Please note that AbDesigner3D may crash when running on a machine with RAM<8 GB


When start AbDesigner3D, the user interface should be appeared as the figure below

Start AbDesigner3D

AbDesigner3D User Interface

All rights reserved

Thammakorn Saethang